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Available Puppies


Dream of welcoming a cuddly Goldendoodle pup into your family? Loving Hearts, a responsible GANA breeder, offers a unique chance to become a guardian family! We raise healthy, happy pups through genetic testing and careful breeding, striving for stronger, longer-living companions. As a guardian, you'll cherish a hand-picked puppy (for free!) through their breeding years, showering them with love and care. We handle ownership and breeding, while you provide a stable, forever home. Finally, upon retirement, ownership passes to you – the perfect happily-ever-after!


Contact us to learn more about this rewarding program and bring a wagging tail of joy into your life.

Upcoming Litters

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Keep in touch on our Facebook page for updates on upcoming litters

Loving Hearts Goldendoodles retains the exclusive right to first pick from each litter we produce, ensuring the continued quality and integrity of our breeding program

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Our Puppies

Our aim .......... to improve the golden doodle breed even further!

Our pups are from DNA, Health, and personality-tested parents. We strive to produce the healthy most wonderfully tempered, genetically sound, head-turning puppies possible.



All of our Puppies will come with a Fi nano microchip.


Fi Nano is a last line of defense in case your dog escapes.


Fi Nano is also a good line of defense against dog theft - as once implanted under the skin a Fi Nano microchip cannot be removed.

Click the image above to learn more.

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